Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bingaman Dings Energy Department, Pushes Renewable Power Generation

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Jeff Bingaman is threatening to introduce legislation establishing a Clean Energy Deployment Administration to oversee loan s and guarantees for development of new energy technologies, because the Department of Energy has not yet approved a single loan application under the program established in 2005. Four years and nary a dollar spent. Whoa!

Meanwhile, construction of power generation facilities using alternative sources of energy is being held up while Bingaman's committee debates the question whether it should mandate 255 renewable energy production by 2025, as Bingaman and the Democrats insist, or only 155, as Republicans propose. House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman is putting forth an alternative proposition of 17.5% renewable energy, with 10% improvement in the efficiency of power production overall. Until this Congressional debate is resolved, power production facility designers will remain unable to envision the power plant of the future, and power facility construction will remain at a standstill.
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