Monday, April 27, 2009

Energy Policy Bottleneck

Disputes over mandating renewable power production and carbon cap and trade credits have once again delayed mark up of major energy legislation in the House. House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman and Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Edward Markey jointly announced to other Energy and Commerce panel members that mark up of the climate and energy bill expected this week will be put off a week, to consider proposed changes to the 25% renewable power production mandate now in the bill, and separate efficiency increase requirements of 15% for electric power and 10% for natural gas, all by the year 2025.

Design and construction of new power plants sits on hold while these energy policy debates proceed at a snail's pace. Other energy issues include whether nuclear generation of electricity is or is not a "renewable" resource, and whether hydroelectric power produced from dams in the Southeast region since the early 1990's can be counted as renewable energy production.