Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lack Of Congressional Funding Delays Major Infrastructure Projects

President Trump’s campaign promise of a 10 year, $1 trillion infrastructure construction program could face major hurdles in the halls of Congress, given the U. S. Treasury Department’s December 30, 2016 report listing the seven most ambitions infrastructure projects already on federal drawing boards, but delayed due to lack of funding from our Republican controlled national legislative body.

The DOT report lists the top 7 projects facing lack of appropriations as:

1.    Technology to accommodate driverless motor vehicles, at a cost of $1.3 trillion.
2.    Recapitalization and expansion of the Interstate Highway system, at a cost of $790 billion.
3.    Improvements in Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor, at a cost of $101 billion.
4.    California’s high speed rail program, at a cost of $59 billion.
5.    Interstate 10 upgrades, at a cost of $29 billion.
6.    Next Generation Air Traffic Control system at a cost of $25 billion.
7.    Interstate 35 Minnesota to Texas Trade Corridor, at a cost of $16 billion.
Facing a Congress reluctant to fund these $2.3 trillion in major projects already planned by DOT, FAA and other federal agencies, it seems most unlikely President Trump can coax Congress to raise revenue an additional $1 trillion to fund his promised infrastructure program.