Friday, September 4, 2009

"Card Check" Under Attack

The Labor Policy Institute, lobbying arm of the National Association of Manufacturers, is launching an advertising and direct mail campaign in Arkansas and Colorado attacking the Employee Free Choice Act, colloquially known as the "card check" bill, because Colorado Democrat Michael Bennett and Arkansas Democrats Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln are seen as the key votes which could kill the bill. NAM Executive Vice President Jay Timmons described the reasons behind the campaign: "This bill is one of the greatest threats to manufacturers' economic competitiveness. We want to remind manufacturers and the public that this bill would destroy jobs. The EFCA would send our economy and our nation in the wrong direction."

Apparently the AFL-CIO is a little bit worried about the same sort of problem, since the expected incoming president has been quoted as saying the unions could live with a bill preserving employers' rights to continue insisting on secret ballot elections before collective bargaining becomes at their plants.