Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is Health Care Reform On the Ropes?

President Obama is refusing to release to news media the list of health industry big wigs who have met with him at the White House in recent weeks to discuss health care reform legislation, and according to Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Charles Grassley, when Obama met with Blue dog Democratic Congressmen last week to discuss changes their caucus wants to the House version of the measure, the Representatives listed ten major changes they want before a floor vote in which their opposition could kill the legislation altogether. Grassley reports the president responded "You're going to destroy my presidency." Republicans, hopeful the August recess will give their anti- administration advertising campaigns in key states a chance to gain traction, keep referring to health care reform legislation as Obama's "Waterloo."

Utah Senator Orin Hatch has dropped out of negotiations in the Senate Finance Committee on that chamber's version of health care reform legislation, noting as reasons for his withdrawal the employer mandate, unfunded Medicaid mandates, and inclusion of a public option which he believes will lead quickly to a single payer health care system. Congressman Bart Stupak of Michigan, speaking for himself and others who oppose abortion rights, predicts the House version of the bill will not pass unless it abortion opponents are permitted to offer an amendment on the floor prohibiting use of public funds to pay for any abortion procedures. "If we don't get a clean shot, if we don't get the amendment we want ... I think it's enough to take down [the legislation]. I'm not just going to roll over."

Finally, after yesterday afternoon's weekly Democratic policy luncheon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was asked by a reporter whether the notoriously foul-mouthed White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had consulted with Reid on the Senate bill. Reid's response: "Any guidance from Rahm? No, but he did call me twice during lunch. And I would like to say his language is getting better, but I think it's getting worse."