Thursday, June 25, 2009

Contractors Association Opposes Cap And Trade Bill

With House Democratic leaders predicting passage of the Waxman/Markey cap and trade legislation tomorrow with 218 votes in favor, and President Obama throwing the full weight of his administration behind the measure, the Associated General Contractors Of America is urging its members to write their Congressmen in opposition to the bill. AGCOA, while maintaining it is in favor of "reasonable climate change policies that reduce greenhouse gas," it opposes the Waxman/Markey legislation because, according to AGCOA, the bill will increase the cost of construction, make investment in manufacturing and industrial facilities less attractive, add 77 cents to the cost of a gallon of motor fuel, and further squeeze the Highway Trust Fund, which is already falling $20 billion short of infrastructure needs in the next 12 months.

AGCOA also asserts that onerous planning requirements in the legislation will create disincentives for local and state government investment in highway and bridge projects in the future. To facilitate the efforts of its members and like minded construction businesses in opposing the legislation, AGCOA has created a web page making it easy for citizens to write their Representatives in opposition to the legislation:
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