Monday, February 23, 2009

Earl Devaney To Head "RAT" Board

Deftly ducking any risk of another Senate confirmation embarrassment, President Obama today named Interior Department Inspector General Earl Devaney to head the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board ["RAT" Board] charged with overseeing the efficient and effective expenditure of the billions of dollars appropriated in the economic stimulus legislation. How much do we pay the guy who dreams up these acronyms - the RAT board to rat out waste and corruption?

Because Devaney was confirmed as Interior Inspector General by the Senate in 1999, no confirmation process will be required for this new post. Slick. Devaney, a former Secret Service agent, led investigations into the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, and party hearty misbehavior by officials in Interior's Minerals Management Service. Look for Devaney's hard hitting reports soon on